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President: Jackie Mallard Larder

Vice President: D’Nadre Bell

Treasurer: Ruth Waters

 Secretary: Sheri-Lynne Estes

Ex Officio: Terry Daniels



Denny Colbert 

Kelly Edwards

Meloni Wray 

John Van Dyke

Angel Sanots

Clark Tidwell


Executive Assistant and Board Liaison:

Rebecca Oakley


Production Manager

Jeff Padgett




About Rivertowne Players


RiverTowne Players is a nonprofit 501 C-3 organization whose purpose is to enrich and entertain the residents in Eastern North Carolina by providing quality theatre. RiverTowne Players provides an opportunity for local actors, musicians, and artists to showcase their talents.

RiverTowne Players is housed in the historic Masonic Theatre. The Masonic Theatre first opened its doors in 1805, at which time it was the cultural center of New Bern.  It served as the town's foremost place for dramatic entertainment, including stage plays, talent benefits, concerts and vaudeville acts.  During the Civil War, it was used as a Confederate arsenal and later as a hospital for Union soldiers.

In 1917 it was converted into a motion picture theater and remained so until 1974.  It was the nation's oldest continually operating theatre until it closed its doors in December 1974.

Today, the Masonic Theatre has been restored to its original purpose for live entertainment. Visitors continue to enjoy the experience of taking in a RiverTowne Players production in the oldest working theatre in the United States.




Masonic Theatre
514 Hancock Street 
New Bern, NC 28560



©2017 by Rivertowne Players

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